Sunday, February 05, 2006

Boken Glass Everywhere

After another hellish day in the hood, my car (that was parked in the supposedly secure teacher's parking lot) was vandalized. Nothing too awful - the passenger mirror smashed off. A metal rod was on the pavement near my modest little Honda so I took it as evidence...think the School Police will check for prints? (Of course, given that the perp was probably underage, there won't be a file. Maybe I could run a sting operation, lifting prints from juice boxes.) I've heard rumors that there is a Witness to this crime but I was unable to speak with the Principal as she was tied up with LAPD (again) due to two parents getting in a fist fight on school grounds.

In the classroom, I am trying to prep the kids for a science test dealing with minerals and I finally got a science kit - but after prying the damn thing open, I discover it only has materials for a land erosion study - not a lustrous geode in sight. Am thinking of handing out the broken shards of glass from my deceased mirror and passing them off as diamonds.

In the ongoing heartache that is BTSA, I attended a Diversity Workshop where much time was spent on making sure children (of ALL races)understand the basic concepts before moving on to the next idea and how grade inflation is ultimately counter productive. So true, but in the face of Nazi-like OCR pacing plans and overt pressure from administration to give 3s on report cards, is this common sense approach to teaching no longer possible?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally can relate -- my MS doesn't sound quite so bad as your elementary school -- but so similar that I could have written your post!! It's sooooo scary and depressing and pretty much has taught me that I need to ESCAPE LAUSD and try another school district -- you can, too. . . .

2:40 PM  
Blogger gossamerb said...

No kidding - wheels are in motion to do just that!

3:48 PM  

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